Powershell can also be nice -Or Installing Java silently and waiting

Hello folks. Today, I would like to show you a small script. It installs Java JDK, both version, x86 and 64 bit, silently, and wait for that process to finish. The wait is necessary because /s on a java install has the nasty habit of running in the background. If you are using a .bat file, you shouldn’t, than you would use something like: start /w jdk-setup.exe /s. This gets it done, but is ugly. Also, if you are using Packer and PowerShell provisioning, you might want to set up some environment variables as well for the next script. And you want that property to be available and you don’t want to mess it up with setting a path into a file and then re-setting your path on the begin of your other script. Or pass it around with Packer. No. Use a proper PowerShell script. Learn it. It’s not that hard. Be a professional. Don’t hack something together for the next person to suffer at. ...

June 30, 2015 · 3 min · hannibal