Quick Tip for Debugging Headless Locally

If you are installing something with Packer and you have Headless enabled(and you are lazy and don’t want to switch it off), it gets difficult, to see output. Especially on a windows install the Answer File / Unattended install can be like => Waiting for SSH. for about an hour or two! If you are doing this locally fret not. Just start VirtualBox, and watch the Preview section which will display the current state even if it’s a headless install! ...

July 22, 2015 · 1 min · hannibal

Selenium Testing with Packer and Vagrant

So, recently, the tester team talked to me, that their build takes too long, and why is that? A quick look at their configuration and build scripts showed me, that they are actually using a vagrant box, which never gets destroyed or re-started at least. To remedy this problem, I came up with the following solution. ...

July 16, 2015 · 7 min · hannibal

Packer 0.8.1.

Previously I wrote that the scripts I’m writing, are failing because Packer hangs. Apparently, this was a known issue. And apparently, I was using an older version, 0.7.5. After I updated everything is working wonderfully!!! And for my thanks, here is an updated PowerShell script for provisioning my dotnet stuff. $source = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/6/7/167F0D79-9317-48AE-AEDB-17120579F8E2/NDP451-KB2858728-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe" $destination = "C:\Windows\Temp\dotnet.exe" Write-Host 'Starting to download dotnet file.' try { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($source, $destination) } catch [Exception] { Write-Host "Exception during download. Probable cause could be that the directory or the file didn't exist." Write-Host '$_.Exception is' $_.Exception } Write-Host 'Download done. Checking if file exists.' if (!(Test-Path $destination)) { Write-Host 'Downloading dotnet Failed!' } else { Write-Host 'Download successful.' } Write-Host 'Starting install process.' try { Start-Process -FilePath $source -ArgumentList "/q /norestart" -Wait -PassThru } catch [Exception] { Write-Host 'Exception during install process.' Write-Host '$_.Exception is' $_.Exception } Write-Host 'All done. Goodbye.' Thanks for reading! ...

July 1, 2015 · 1 min · hannibal

The Packer, The Windows, and the Vagrant box

Hello folks. Today, I would like to write about something close to my heart recently. I’ve been fiddling with Packer, Windows and Vagrant these days. Trying to get a Windows box up in running is a pain in the arse though, so I thought I share my pain with you nice folks out there. Let’s begin. ...

June 27, 2015 · 9 min · hannibal