Solution to Wrap Kata

My solution to the String Wrap Kata. The goal is to have it wrap a text on a given column width. It is not the best solution but this is my first try. I did it with TDD so there were tests first, which I’m not going to copy in.. public class WrapKata { public String wrap(String input, int columnSize) { if (input.length() <= columnSize) return input; else { return wrapLines(input, columnSize); } } private String wrapLines(String input, int columnSize) { int breakPoint = getBreakPoint(input, columnSize); String head = createHead(input, breakPoint); String tail = createTail(input, breakPoint); return head += "\n" + wrap(tail, columnSize); } private String createTail(String input, int breakPoint) { return input....

June 26, 2012 · 1 min · hannibal