Why not to automate everything…

Hello. I created a tale of why not to automate everything. With legos. Enjoy. Gergely.

July 31, 2013 · 1 min · hannibal

Cucumber-Jvm And @AfterAll

Hey folks. I find out something new about cucumber-jvm every day. If you want something that is executed after all of the tests have finished you must use the Java shutdownHook. It’s simple really you add in a block of code that can run right before the JVM quits. I know I know. It sounds awful but I found out that this is the actual way of doing this with java / cucumber....

April 18, 2013 · 2 min · hannibal

Cucumber Test Name and Tags on Feature

Hello everybody. I would like to show you a gem today that I found out. Apparently there is no easy way to get to the name of an executing cucumber scenario in cucumber-jvm You can try something like that: @After //this is cucumbers @Afters public static void afterExecution(Scenario scenario) { logger.log("The status of the test is: " + scenario.getStatus()); } But that isn’t giving you too much now is it? And the API of scenario is as small as it can get....

April 15, 2013 · 2 min · hannibal

My history in testing

Hello folks. Today I’d like to share with you some of the experiences I had as a beginner tester. I hope it sets you off on a path to enlightenment and leaves you off with a good appetite for testing. Shall we begin then? The early days It was 2004 when I finished school and started working at my first company. I finished as a software developer which is kind of an exaggeration since I only finished a 2 years course of it....

April 11, 2013 · 6 min · hannibal

What you really need to know to become a Testing Expert

Hello Everybody. Today I would like to show you what you need to become a Testing expert. If you had noticed I deliberately left out the word Software. Why? Because becoming and expert in Testing Anything has the same root as becoming an expert to test software. And for that let me take you back to a Galaxy Far Far Away in Time AND Space. The beginnings. I went to school in Oroszlany, my home town in Hungary....

January 21, 2013 · 3 min · hannibal

TEAS: Testing Exploration Adventure Session

Hello Everybody. I’d like to introduce T.E.A.S. to you. This is something I came up with yesterday which requires a lot of fantasy some good thinking planning and enthusiastic people. So, let’s get started. What is it about? Testing Exploration Adventure Session is about. Testing! There. No real surprise, eh? TEAS has it’s roots in RPGs. Role Playing Games. If you ever heard or read about M.A.G.U.S. or the more known Dungeons & Dragons you will have a better understanding of the concept behind this phenomena....

December 1, 2012 · 5 min · hannibal

JMS Connection setup and Framework

Hello chumps. Today I want to write about jms connection testing with a small framework. I wrote a small thing using a factory object model. It’s a lead, a proof of concept. You can use this to go onward. First, let’s begin with the JMS connection it self. JMS Connection First rule of thumb is: “Don’t wait for a response when dealing with JMS queues.” How so? Because, a JMS queue is asynchronous so you wont get back anything....

March 4, 2012 · 5 min · hannibal