Generate a sample YAML file from a CRD

Hello. This one is a quick update. Just a showcase really. I wrote a tool to generate a sample YAML file from a CRD. Given a CRD like this one, it would output a generate yaml sample like this: apiVersion: kind: AWSCluster metadata: {} spec: additionalTags: {} bastion: allowedCIDRBlocks: ["string"] ami: string disableIngressRules: true enabled: true instanceType: string controlPlaneEndpoint: host: string port: 1 controlPlaneLoadBalancer: additionalSecurityGroups: ["string"] crossZoneLoadBalancing: true healthCheckProtocol: string name: string scheme: string subnets: ["string"] identityRef: kind: AWSCluster name: string imageLookupBaseOS: string imageLookupFormat: string imageLookupOrg: string network: cni: cniIngressRules: - description: string fromPort: 1 protocol: string toPort: 1 securityGroupOverrides: {} subnets: - availabilityZone: string cidrBlock: string id: string ipv6CidrBlock: string isIpv6: true isPublic: true natGatewayId: string routeTableId: string tags: {} vpc: availabilityZoneSelection: string availabilityZoneUsageLimit: 1 cidrBlock: string id: string internetGatewayId: string ipv6: cidrBlock: string egressOnlyInternetGatewayId: string poolId: string tags: {} region: string s3Bucket: controlPlaneIAMInstanceProfile: string name: string nodesIAMInstanceProfiles: ["string"] sshKeyName: string status: bastion: addresses: - address: string type: string availabilityZone: string ebsOptimized: true enaSupport: true iamProfile: string id: string imageId: string instanceState: string networkInterfaces: ["string"] nonRootVolumes: - deviceName: string encrypted: true encryptionKey: string iops: 1 size: 1 throughput: 1 type: string privateIp: string publicIp: string rootVolume: deviceName: string encrypted: true encryptionKey: string iops: 1 size: 1 throughput: 1 type: string securityGroupIds: ["string"] spotMarketOptions: maxPrice: string sshKeyName: string subnetId: string tags: {} tenancy: string type: string userData: string volumeIDs: ["string"] conditions: - lastTransitionTime: string message: string reason: string severity: string status: string type: string failureDomains: {} networkStatus: apiServerElb: attributes: crossZoneLoadBalancing: true idleTimeout: 1 availabilityZones: ["string"] dnsName: string healthChecks: healthyThreshold: 1 interval: 1 target: string timeout: 1 unhealthyThreshold: 1 listeners: - instancePort: 1 instanceProtocol: string port: 1 protocol: string name: string scheme: string securityGroupIds: ["string"] subnetIds: ["string"] tags: {} securityGroups: {} ready: true The link to the repo is here....

October 19, 2022 · 2 min · hannibal