Jenkins Job DSL and Groovy goodness

Hi Folks. Ever used Job DSL plugin for Jenkins? What is that you say? Well, it’s TEH most awesome plug-in for Jenkins to have, because you can CODE your job configuration and put it under source control. Today, however, I’m not going to write about that because the tutorials on Jenkins JOB DSL are very extensive and very well done. Anyone can pick them up. Today, I would like to write about a part of it which is even more interesting....

October 15, 2015 · 4 min · hannibal

Why the expressiveness of your Tests is important – Part One

Hello Everybody. This time I’d like to write about the expressiveness of a Test. I think that it’s very important to write understandable and expressive tests. In older times I was studying novel writing. There is a rule which a novel needs to follow. It goes something like this: “A novel needs to lead its reader and make him understand in the simplest way what’s going on, with whom and why?”. In other words, it’s not a puzzle. It should be obvious what the test is trying to do and it should not require the reader to try and solve it in order to understand it. ...

November 15, 2014 · 4 min · hannibal

Groovy and Grails course summary

Hi folks. I attended a 4 day course of Groovy and Grails and this is my attempt at writing up a summary to see how much I retained. I’ll try to do this from the top of my head without peaking at my notes. So let’s begin. Introductions First of all, introductions. The course was held by Peter Ledbrook. He is the guy who wrote Grails in Action. He is awesome, go check him out....

April 11, 2013 · 7 min · hannibal