Furnace with a new Plugin System

Hi. A quick update, but a very important and interesting one hopefully. Furnace just got a massive boost to its plugin system. I’m using HashiCorp’s Go-Plugins system now to handle plugins. This means one of two things that are interesting to the plugin author. One, plugins can be written in any language which is supported by Furnace and supports GRPC. Currently this means that plugins can be written in the following languages:...

September 17, 2018 · 1 min · hannibal

Huge Furnace Update

Intro Hi folks. In the past couple of months I’ve been slowly updating Furnace. There are three major changes that happened. Let’s take a look at them, shall we? Google Cloud Platform Furnace now supports Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It provides the same API to handle GCP resource as with AWS. Namely, create, delete, status, update. I opted to leave out push because Google mostly works with git based repositories, meaning a push is literary just a push, than Google handles distributing the new code by itself....

January 13, 2018 · 6 min · hannibal

Furnace Ikea Manual

Hi there folks. Just a quick post, of how I went on and created an IKEA manual about Furnace. Page 1: . Page 2: . I drew these using Krita. I mostly used a mouse but I also used a Wacom Bamboo drawing tabled, for sketches and such. Thanks, Gergely.

November 6, 2017 · 1 min · hannibal

Furnace Binaries

Hey folks. Quick note. Furnace now comes pre-compiled easy to access binaries which you can download and use out of the box. No need to install anything, or compile the source. Just download, unzip and use. Here is the website: Furnace Website. Enjoy, Cheers, Gergely.

September 3, 2017 · 1 min · hannibal