This year I want to do somerhinf different. For the whole year I’ll attempt to write a blogpost everyday. I might miss a day during holiday or being sick or something but the point is that by the end of the year I should have at least 365 blog posts.
I also want them to be somewhat meaningful so be about some kind of technology or discovery or whatever. So posts like ‘This is a post’ are not valid.
This is a challenge because I also value long form posts and obviously that will be somewhat impacted by this. But I’ll figure something out. Like it’s not necessarily everyday one post. Maybe I’ll a couple days without posting while I work on a long form post and then post a couple smaller ones.
Even a couple lines of code are valid posts.
Anyways this is much as a practice for me as maybe entertaining for others. I’m hoping to post quality posts not nonsense. However maybe I’ll post about life as well. I guess we’ll have to see both you and me.
Here’s to a good year! Cheers.🍻