Generic dig for map key using typed parameters


I was fiddling with a way of getting out values from a map that is of format map[string]any. But I wanted my type safety as well. This was coming from digging out keys from a Metadata field.

The metadata was in a JSON format.

This is what I came up with:

/ FetchValueFromMetadata fetches a key from a metadata if it exists. It will recursively look in
// embedded values as well. Must be a unique key, otherwise it will just return the first
// occurrence.
func FetchValueFromMetadata[T any](key string, data *apiextensionsv1.JSON, def T) (t T, _ error) {
	if data == nil {
		return def, nil

	m := map[string]any{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data.Raw, &m); err != nil {
		return t, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse JSON raw data: %w", err)

	v, err := dig[T](key, m)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, errKeyNotFound) {
			return def, nil

	return v, nil

func dig[T any](key string, data map[string]any) (t T, _ error) {
	if v, ok := data[key]; ok {
		c, k := v.(T)
		if !k {
			return t, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert value to the desired type; was: %T", v)

		return c, nil

	for _, v := range data {
		if ty, ok := v.(map[string]any); ok {
			return dig[T](key, ty)

	return t, errKeyNotFound

The interesting part is the dig method and the type assert to the desired part. Calling this with something like:

value, err := FetchValueFromMetadata[int]("my-key", data, -1)
if err != nil {
  return err

fmt.Println(value) // value is of type int

will result in the desired value with the right type. The other interesting part is the default value in case the key is not found. That’s just a nice addition, I think.

Note: The JSON marshaller in Go will always consider number types as float64. But if you just happened to have a map with some arbitrary data, the dig part is still neat.