Adding a certificate to a GitHub runner

Imagine having a project where you have a server that you would like to run with TLS. Let’s say, you want to run a Docker registry in a cluster using TLS. You need the generated certificate’s root certificate in the trust store of the GitHub action runner.

This is simple with mkcert.

The action is simple:

name: tests

      - ''
      - ''
      - ''

      - main

  contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Setup Go
        uses: actions/setup-go@v3
          go-version-file: '${{ github.workspace }}/go.mod'
      - name: Restore Go cache
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: /home/runner/work/_temp/_github_home/go/pkg/mod
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-go-            
      - name: Run e2e
        run: make e2e

This is nothing fancy. The fancy thing is coming from the make e2e part.

First, we make sure we have mkcert:

MKCERT ?= $(LOCALBIN)/mkcert
.PHONY: mkcert
mkcert: $(MKCERT)
	curl -L "$(MKCERT_VERSION)/mkcert-$(MKCERT_VERSION)-$(UNAME)-amd64" -o $(LOCALBIN)/mkcert
	chmod +x $(LOCALBIN)/mkcert

Then, let’s add a target which we’ll call before the test is called:

.PHONY: generate-developer-certs
generate-developer-certs: mkcert

Lastly, put this as a dependency on our test target:

.PHONY: e2e
e2e: generate-developer-certs test-summary-tool ## Runs e2e tests
	$(GOTESTSUM) --format testname -- -count=1 -tags=e2e ./e2e

That’s all the setup we need in the GitHub action workflow part. Now, let’s take a look at the magic:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# You can ignore this.

if [[ "${path}" == *hack* ]]; then
  echo "This script is intended to be executed from the project root."

  exit 1

if [ "$(kubectl get secret -n ocm-system registry-certs)" ]; then
  echo "secret already exist, no need to re-run"

  exit 0

echo "generating developer certificates and kubernetes secrets"

# Set up certificate paths
CAROOT=./hack/certs ./bin/mkcert -install

echo "updating root certificate"

sudo cat "${rootCAPath}" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt || echo "failed to append to ca-certificates. Ignoring the failure"

if [ ! -e "${certPath}" ] && [ ! -e "${keyPath}" ]; then
  echo -n "certificates not found, generating..."

  CAROOT=./hack/certs ./bin/mkcert -cert-file ./hack/certs/cert.pem -key-file ./hack/certs/key.pem registry.ocm-system.svc.cluster.local localhost ::1

  echo "done"
  echo "certificates found, will not re-generate"

# You can ignore this.
echo -n "creating secret..."
kubectl create secret generic \
  -n ocm-system registry-certs \
  --from-file=caFile="${rootCAPath}" \
  --from-file=certFile="${certPath}" \
  --from-file=keyFile="${keyPath}" \
  --dry-run=client -o yaml > ./hack/certs/registry_certs_secret.yaml

Let’s break this down line by line:

1-15: Ignore this part. It’s just checking some things before running. 19: This is calling mkcert but notice the CAROOT setting. This will output the root certificate to that location. 27: Now, this is the important bit. Here, since we are using Ubuntu machine type, we append our certificate to the system’s root certificates. There are other ways to do this but none of them will work properly on GitHub actions or requires way too much fiddling. This is a heck of a lot easier to execute. 29-37: If the certificates do not exist it will create them. This, again, is using the configured ROOT location. This is done so that when this script is running locally, it doesn’t continue re-generating the certificates constantly. 39-45: Here, we create the secret which will contain our certificates.

So that’s the script.

How to automatically create developer certificates

To do this automatically we use a combination of Makefile targets and Tilt. Tilt configures the mount and Makefile target calls mkcert and the script and then runs the e2e tests locally using Kind.

for o in objects:
    if o.get('kind') == 'Deployment' and o.get('metadata').get('name') == 'ocm-controller':
        print('updating ocm-controller deployment to add generated certificates')
        o['spec']['template']['spec']['volumes'] = [{'name': 'root-certificate', 'secret': {'secretName': 'registry-certs', 'items': [{'key': 'caFile', 'path': 'ca.pem'}]}}]
        o['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['volumeMounts'] = [{'mountPath': '/certs', 'name': 'root-certificate'}]

The name can be made configurable with an environment property, but here we just ignore that in the dev environment.

Adding the root certificate to the container

To add the root certificate to the container in which our controller is running, we use an script. We get the root certificate that is mounted into the container and then append that rootCA to the system CA. When done we launch our manager.

#!/usr/bin/env sh


if [ ! -e "${rootCA}" ]; then
  echo "warning... root certificate at location ${rootCA} not found."

  exec "$@"

echo "updating root certificate with provided certificate..."
tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt < "${rootCA}"

echo "done."

exec "$@"

That’s all we need. With this, our controller will now understand our self-signed certificate or any certificate that is provided to the controller if it exists.


This is it. We have all the things we need for a self-signer certificate to seamlessly work in dev and in CI environment. The whole project with all the files can be found here: ocm-controller.

Thank you for reading!
