Hi folks.
I’ve been using the Hugo build for wercker for a long time now. Recent problems occurred though where I did not understand at first what the problem was. It was quite difficult to debug since I did not have too much insight on the wercker build itself. Turned out that I deleted the GITHUB token that the process was using. However, the error message was telling me that a function failed to load some other function. Which was totally unrelated.
Thus, I thought that I’m going to shift away from this outside medium to a different one that I’m already familiar with and have greater control over.
Hence, Travis. Incidentally, since I will no longer be dependend on a third party component (which was the image wercker was using), I’ll be able to switch away from this build platform easily. For example, to CircleCI.
I’m using github pages, but without the whole convoluted submodule init, different branch stuff. I find that that simply adds unnecessary complexity to the whole thing. I’m keeping the source and the website in a different repository.
The steps are simple:
- Get the source
- Generate the content locally using
- Setup Git
- Get the source for the generated web site
- Copy in the newly generated code
- Push the code up to git
Sounds simple… In fact it’s so simple, it’s three files.
The travis modification is such:
language: go
- go get
- sudo apt-get install -y git
- .travis/
- cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} && .travis/
Easy, it’s a standard Go based travis file. There are two things here which stand out. The scripts
section and the
section. Why after_success
? Because if we made a mistake, we don’t want to destroy the website. Thus we only
push in case was successful.
In this light, building the blog is simple. In fact the whole script is such:
set -e
set -x
mkdir /opt/blog
git clone --recurse-submodules /opt/app
echo Build started on `date`
cd /opt/app
hugo --theme hermit
cp -R public/* /opt/blog
For clone, --recurse-submodules
is required because the theme is a submodule. Once this script runs successfull,
we can push the new version of the site.
Pushing is a bit more involved. There are four steps involved in this process.
Setup git
First, we set up git to use some specific name so we know where the push came from.
setup_git() {
git config --global ""
git config --global "Travis CI"
git init
git remote add origin https://${GITHUB_TOKEN} > /dev/null 2>&1
git pull origin master
Github token is a secret environment property. We also pull the blog source in this step.
Then copy everything from the built site’s public folder (which was we already copied to /opt/blog) to this folder.
cp -R /opt/blog/* .
Commit the changes
commit_website_files() {
git add .
git commit -am "Travis build: $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
This is extracted for clarity.
Pushing the changes
upload_files() {
git push --quiet --set-upstream origin master
The script in it’s entirety here:
And that’s it. The site is changed and updated. This can be executed in any environment and the only requirement is hugo and git being present. If you still prefer the branch method of Github pages, this is easily altered to checkout the right branch and push the changes from there.
No dependency on anything. Just how I like my build processes.
Thanks for reading!
set -e
set -x
setup_git() {
git config --global ""
git config --global "Travis CI"
git init
git remote add origin https://${GITHUB_TOKEN} > /dev/null 2>&1
git pull origin master
commit_website_files() {
git add .
git commit -am "Travis build: $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
upload_files() {
git push --quiet --set-upstream origin master
mkdir /opt/publish && cd /opt/publish
cp -R /opt/blog/* .