Hello folks.

Today, I present to you the One Hundred Day Github Challenge.

The rules are simple:

  1. Minimum of One commit every day for a Hundred days.
  2. Commit has to be meaningful but can be as little as a fix in a Readme.md.
  3. Doesn’t matter if you are on vacation, there are no exceptions.
  4. There. Are. No. Exceptions.
  5. If you fail a day, you have to start over.
  6. No cheating. You only cheat yourself, so this is really up to you.

Let me be more clear here, because it seems I wasn’t clear enough. What you make out of this challenge, it’s up to you. If you just update a readme.md for hundred days, that’s fine. Just do it every day. It’s a commitment. At least you’ll have a nice Readme.

Also, let me be clear on another thing. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Even on holidays. No. Exceptions.

So there you have it. It’s easy, but then again, it’s not.

Mine starts today! 100.

Thanks for reading.

And happy coding.
